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A review of Hays by Anonymous written on Wednesday 23rd of July 2014


I have been applying online using Hays Recruitment via the S1jobs.com and performed a temporary assignment for this agency which could have become permanent. At the agency interview and during my induction with the company I was told they were desperate for someone who was committed to staying long term with the company. I had to travel, taking 2 buses, which I could not really afford. When I started working for the company, I was told that the person I was to be responsible to was going off on holiday the following day and there were no other office workers to help me if there was a problem. As the result of having no work to do I made sure I had all the relevant paperwork and IT skills ready to swing into action when my boss returned. Despite constantly asking for work, I was constantly told that there was nothing for me to do. I remained polite, professional and conscientious to the end. When my boss returned from holiday I was told that I had to finish that day and was not given a proper explanation for this. When I questioned this with Leighann Urquhart she failed to give me an adequate explanation also, instead she chose to argue with me.

I want to make it clear I do not make a habit of complaining about people, I am generally considered to be very passive and easy going, but it is important for me to gain employment, and it is very difficult to do so when dealing with this attitude.

Therefore, out of 5 stars I would struggle to give this agency one star as I have continued to apply for positions through S1jobs.com over the last year and have not been put forward for any interviews, despite having excellent references, returned to college and increased my office and IT skills and being immediately available. Both the Job Centre and myself cannot see what else I can do to help myself find employment..

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Map showing Hays on Upperkirkgate